Merry Christmas to all of our students, friends and supporters. We hope you all enjoy a happy and safe holiday break, and may the New Year bring you good health, more good times, good fortune and many, many happy and fulfilling days of kung fu training!
Our Werribee/Hoppers Crossing adult classes will resume as from Monday, 13 January 2020, with our children’s classes resuming as from Monday, 3 February 2020.
Our Bentleigh classes will resume at a date still to be determined. The renovations to the flooring at the venue are currently underway, but we are unable to give a firm date as to the resumption of classes in Bentleigh. Stay tuned to the website and/or our Facebook page for further details.
Sifu Dana and all at the Academy wish you all a safe and happy holiday and look forward to your continued support in 2020!