European Connection 2014

DSC03377Celebrated my birthday with Sifu Yiannos Christoforou and the Cyprus crew this year. We had a fantastic time together, training and sharing good times again. You can see all of the highlights from Cyprus here.

IMG_8924From there, it was off to Athens to see Sifu Panagiotis Brebos and our brothers and sisters in Greece. Despite losing my voice en route from Cyprus to Greece, I got it back in time to enjoy some good times with our Spartan mates. The Greek martial arts magazine, Mavri Zoni (Black Belt) even stopped by to interview me and did some photos for an upcoming article in their mag. When it appears, we’ll let you know. In the meantime, you can see some highlights from Greece – check them out here.

DSC03666And to wrap it all up, I finished with a long overdue visit to dear friend, Sifu Mirco Zago and the gang in Venice. Although I hadn’t seen them in over two years, it didn’t take long to catch him/them up on what’s been happening and we shared some great training in the Canal City – see it here.

Thanks to all of our fantastic European brothers and sisters for their hospitality and their dedication. Train hard and keep the standard high!


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