Holiday Break & 2019 Commencement Dates

Training at the Academy is coming to a close for 2018. Sifu Dana, Simo La-Wren and Sihing Geoff want to thank all of our students for another great year of good training and fun. It was a year of progress for many, and a year of new beginnings for others. Our children’s classes have already finished for this year, and will resume as from Monday, 4 February 2019.

Those in Bentleigh will finish this year on Friday, 14 December and will resume as from Friday, 11 January 2019.

Werribee will finish as from Thursday, 20 December and will resume as from Monday, 14 January 2019.

We’d like to wish all our students, friends and supporters a Merry Christmas and/or any other holiday you may celebrate at this time of year; enjoy a safe and happy summer holiday break. Travel safely, enjoy good times with good people and we look forward to resuming our mutual journey for self-improvement and growth in the coming new year.

Thank you again for your support – Happy Holidays!


2 thoughts on “Holiday Break & 2019 Commencement Dates

  1. Thank you, Sifu, for another wonderful year at the Academy and your inspiring guidance on this fascinating journey through the wonderful world of wing chun. The challenges—physical and mental—at once invigorating and relaxing, make it an invaluable part of my life. I also enjoy the good fun with great people. Can’t recommend it too highly and after 22 years, I look forward to many more!

    • You, and Cameron, are most welcome; I am truly honoured for your 22 years of support and friendship. Not many hang around even past the second or third year. The challenges definitely become something of a joy, or at least something to look forward to, in order to unlock new doors of our life journey. Let’s see if we can make it 22 more!!! Merry Christmas to you and may we all hit 2019 with all cylinders firing! Sifu

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