Venice Workshops – March 2012

Having laid new groundwork with our Italian brothers and sisters last year, I returned to Venice to answer the inevitable “what ifs” and to reinforce the condensed training concepts previously introduced. Sifu Mirco and his group are an enthusiastic and determined lot, and we filled two weekends with some solid training and with examples of how to train what was being learned.

During the week, I also taught their normal classes so that we could maximise the time I was there, to help them understand the training more thoroughly in preparation for future visits and development.

Our training methods must be worth merit, as I also met with two other European Wing Chun Sifu; one from Greece, the other from Cyprus. Both came along with a desire to see what and how we train, having heard of us and what we do. Sifu Panayiotis Brebos of Greece and Sifu Yiannos Christoforou of Cyprus were both impressed by our outlook on Wing Chun training and have asked me to plan some seminars to their respective schools.

Despite photos to the contrary (click here), it was a training-intensive visit to the Mediterranean this time, but we did find some time to include some fun to balance it all out. Attitude makes ALL the difference, and our European brethren have got a great attitude. Thanks to Sifu Mirco Zago and his family and students for making it possible for us to share our concepts and to grow our kung fu family. Their determination, their friendship and their hospitality make them worthy brothers and sisters!


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