Wellington Workshops – May 2012

The Kapiti Coast, just north of Wellington, New Zealand’s capital city, is also home to our NZ affiliate club run by Stu Dunn. The scenery there is beautiful, and the personalities of our kung fu brothers and sisters there is just as nice, and it’s always great to visit with them to share our Wing Chun vision.  This trip saw me working with many old friends, but also quite a few new faces who have joined their ranks since my visit in November last year.

This was the largest turnout so far in Wellington’s history, and I had to divide the participants into two distinct groups, so we could cover appropriate material in the clearest possible way. But as I bounced from one group to the other, everyone was kept engaged with concepts and drills to challenge both their minds and their bodies.

The end result was that a great time was had by all, with the momentum from the last two visits continuing to build and to yield good results. So much so, that there is talk of trying to organise a week-long Qian Li Dao Academy Summer Camp in New Zealand, in January 2013. If you are interested to find out more about the Camp, or wish to express your interest in attending, email me here or contact Stu in New Zealand as soon as possible, so we can see if we can make that a reality. Preliminary talks have us relaxing in the hot pools of Rotorua in the evenings, after some hard, fun-filled training days in the Land of the Long White Cloud… are you coming????   Click here for the workshop pix!


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